For literally as long as I can remember I’ve wished for long hair. I actually remember I was about 5 years old and my mom took me to the hair salon to get a trim and I was looking at magazines and pointed to a girl with very long hair and said I wanted that. Obviously that wasn’t possible, but pretty much since then I’ve been “growing my hair out”. Sure over the course of a few decades I would cut it short, let it grow, and repeat. But I could never get it to grow past a certain length, it seemed like it just stopped a few inches below my collarbone. I had a stylist once tell me it was genetics, I had others tell me to try supplements, or don’t wash too often, do this, try that, etc. Nothing seemed to work. Now, I will say, after March 2020 when I wasn’t able to get my hair colored (and it had been about 7 months since my last session), my hair seemed to start growing out healthier. I was enjoying the natural color and getting a little length! But after about a year, it seemed to just come to a stopping point which led me to start considering extensions, again.
Yes, I’ve had extensions before. Besides the clip-in and halo styles that I personally don’t care for, I tried tape-in extensions back in 2017. After about a month I took them out, they just weren’t what I was looking for, but I’m glad I was able to test them out. So fast forward to summer of 2021 while visiting Dallas I had a hair appointment with Adriana for color and I talked to her about extensions again. She mentioned she had started doing NBR hair extensions and I was very interested to learn more! We casually discussed it and I told her I would think about it. I knew I was traveling to Dallas again in October, so I reached out to see if we could do a consult while I was there and come back in December to have them put in, and here we are.